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Terri and I have talked about skydiving on and off for several years, but just never had the nerve to pull it off. Out of the blue, one Saturday morning, I decided to give it a shot…………….and there was no way Terri would let me have FUN without her……… off we went.

As you will see, Terri created her last will and testament, just in case- while I took an extra pair of shorts. One hour later we were on our way and this video tells....the rest of the story- thanks to the two videographers that followed us on our journey.

The thought of accelerating from zero to 110 miles per hour in 5 seconds- with nothing but “air and ground” below is say the least, and a huge confidence builder too. When you exit the plane, you don’t really get the sensation of falling because the ground is so far away. But when the parachute is deployed, it is so unbelievably peaceful, you then realize why so many ‘normal people’ do this every weekend.
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Created by Dave Long Click Here To Contact Me